Thursday, January 18, 2018

Upcoming News

We have started a new Creative Curriculum unit, the ball/sports study. We discussed what we like to play and investigated what is used to play those sports/games.  We brainstormed what we thought balls are used for and made of. We read a story that helped determine if what we thought was true.

Catholic Schools Week is approaching.  We celebrate our Catholic education with a variety of activities and spirit week. Check out the spirit days and do your best to participate :)

There will bee two field trips during this week for four year old preschool. If you have any questions or concerns please let me know.   If you have any questions or concerns please let me know.  There will be separate permission slips for each field trip.

The green field trip permission slip for the Nursing home visit has already been sent home. 

A golden yellow permission slip is being sent home today for the all day skating field trip. If you have already paid for this field trip, please sign and return the form. Students will need a sack lunch with a drink.

PLEASE send payment and permission slips at the same time.


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