Friday, January 26, 2018

January Information

 Four year old preschool-  Catholic schools week is next week. There are themed days each day.  Monday there will be a parent volunteer starting the day due to the teacher appreciation luncheon. Wednesday there will be a field trip to a local nursing home during our normal class time. Thursday (2/1/18) four year old preschool we be all day. We will be leaving for the field trip at 8:30. Don't forget your sack lunch with a drink! I will be packing each students extra clothes and activities to pass the time during the bus ride. 

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. 

Three year old preschool- Tuesday is tourist Tuesday theme day, dress up if you’d like. Don’t forget that there will be no school for three year old preschool due to the all day field trip on Thursday February 1, 2017.

    We have been investigating different types of balls used in sports. We have talked about the different shapes. We have started adding more of our handwriting curriculum to our day! Today we used wood pieces to build our letter of the day.. A!

St. Malachy Foundation Auction is right around the corner. Preschool, Kindergarten, First grade and Second grade are working together to create a themed basket for the auction. If you would like to donate towards this basket, donations need to be in by Friday February 9, 2018.


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