Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Conference Info!

We had so much on our visit to the Creston Fire station. This week we have worked on the letter Ff. We have practiced writing it and saying the letter sound. We have learned a variety of items that start with the letter Ff. After conferences, we will start learning two letters a week. We have finished our beginning of the year unit and will start a mini unit on Fall/Halloween. We had a fire drill today. I was beyond impressed with each preschool student. They did exactly what was expected of them and were so brave .
  If you have not yet signed up for a conference please use the link below to sign up!

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Fire Station Field Trip and other news

   It has been a busy week at preschool. Everyone took such great school pictures yesterday.  There were hearing tests on Wednesday. You will find the results on a yellow paper in your child’s take home folder.  We are super excited for our field trip to the fire station on Tuesday October 16, please send $2 to ride the trolley, if you have not yet done so. (If you are not sure you have paid or not please email me and I can check.)

  There is a religion puzzle from our lesson to color, cut out and glue with your child. You can have your child put it together and glue to paper.. When you are finished send it back to preschool!

   The weather is changing and the temperature is dropping. Please make sure your child is wearing weather appropriate clothes and has a coat.  We have gone through the extra set of clothes for each child. If your child’s bag has been sent home, please change out your child’s set of extra clothes for cold weather attire or add something you are missing.

If your child brings an item for rest, please no baby dolls, just a stuffed animal.