Wednesday, January 16, 2019

January News

This week we learned about the Letter Dd: how to write it, what sound it makes and words that start with that letter.  Our rhyming words this week were snail and pail. We had fun coming up with our own rhyming words. During religion we learned about Noah and the ark. Along with God’s promise to always love and take care of everyone. 

We will be celebrating finally reaching the letter Pp by having a Pirate, Princess or Prince Party on Wednesday January 23, 2019. We will celebrate with fun and games during preschool. Your child is encouraged to dress up but it is not required.

   Preschool will be attending mass on during Catholics Schools Week on Friday February  1st and Wednesday February 20, please have your child dress in mass attire, no jeans or sweatpants.  Please let me know if you have any questions.