Thursday, December 6, 2018

December 6, 2018

This week we learning about the Letter Qq. We are learning how to write the letter and what sound it makes. If you haven’t turned in the Family tree project please do so. There is a blue paper that went home in student folders, please review this for student drop off.  Our first dress up day is Grinch Day on Tuesday December 11, wear green or dress like a Grinch character! 

Everyone did such a wonderful job at the St. Malachy Christmas concert! A lot of hard work and dedication by many went into making this event so wonderful!


For the safety of our students please note:

Parents dropping off students please use the crosswalk area to pull-through & drop off only.
Parents needing to park and walk their child in please park near the bell on the east lawn or in front of Father’s house. Parking in or near the crosswalk area is prohibited.
3 year-old PK students must be walked into their classroom.

Upcoming Theme Days

December 7th- Spirit Day $1, Book Orders due,
   Family Tree Project Due.
December 11th- Grinch Day-wear green
December 13th- Polar Express Day – wear
     appropriate pajamas, slippers,
     and robes!
December 17th- Candy Cane Day- Wear Red & White
December 18th-  Wear green Day
December 19th-  Holiday Best
December 20th-  Show Christmas Spirit- be festive and wear anything Christmas (socks, shirts, etc.)
Classroom Holiday Party
December 21st- Ugly Sweaters    
Sack lunch day and students will eat with their with Advent Angel.
Early dismissal
December 22nd-January2nd- NO SCHOOL Winter Break!

Thursday, November 29, 2018

December Information and News

Preschool students have been practicing  for the St. Malachy Christmas program. This will be at Creston High School at 6 p.m. Please check folders for bus transportation permission forms, forms are due by Tuesday December 4, 2018.  

There are many upcoming projects/forms due. The December family project has been sent home. Please complete your child’s tree and return by December 7.  We will use these to create one large class tree outside our classroom. Book orders are due next week as well.  If you are ordering books for Christmas, please let me know and I can disguise them or leave them in the main office to be picked up.

This week we worked on writing the letter Oo and the sounds it makes. Our big word this week was hibernation and we are learning about the many winter sleepers.

Preschool students may play outside if the feels like temperature at the time of outdoor classroom is 13 degrees or higher. Please send outside snow gear, if a child does not have snow clothes they will have to stay on the concrete area outside away from snow.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Conference Info!

We had so much on our visit to the Creston Fire station. This week we have worked on the letter Ff. We have practiced writing it and saying the letter sound. We have learned a variety of items that start with the letter Ff. After conferences, we will start learning two letters a week. We have finished our beginning of the year unit and will start a mini unit on Fall/Halloween. We had a fire drill today. I was beyond impressed with each preschool student. They did exactly what was expected of them and were so brave .
  If you have not yet signed up for a conference please use the link below to sign up!

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Fire Station Field Trip and other news

   It has been a busy week at preschool. Everyone took such great school pictures yesterday.  There were hearing tests on Wednesday. You will find the results on a yellow paper in your child’s take home folder.  We are super excited for our field trip to the fire station on Tuesday October 16, please send $2 to ride the trolley, if you have not yet done so. (If you are not sure you have paid or not please email me and I can check.)

  There is a religion puzzle from our lesson to color, cut out and glue with your child. You can have your child put it together and glue to paper.. When you are finished send it back to preschool!

   The weather is changing and the temperature is dropping. Please make sure your child is wearing weather appropriate clothes and has a coat.  We have gone through the extra set of clothes for each child. If your child’s bag has been sent home, please change out your child’s set of extra clothes for cold weather attire or add something you are missing.

If your child brings an item for rest, please no baby dolls, just a stuffed animal. 

Friday, September 28, 2018

Preschool information

     Preschool picture day will be on October 10, 2018. Picture forms will be sent home soon. 

     The class is settling in to the new classroom and routine really well. We have continued with our “Beginning of the Year” study from the Creative Curriculum. We will finish this unit in a few weeks. We will finish out the month of October with a mini Fall/Halloween unit.  On Wednesday we started our first lesson from “Stories of God’s Love” the preschool religion curriculum. Each week we will add more and more. 

   Our friends Al, from Al's Pals came to visit a few times this week. He brought his friends Ty and Keisha to talk with the students about sharing and being kind to friends. Students learned a new song about being friends and danced with friends.

   I will be at meetings on October 12 and October 19.  Also, I'm getting married on October 27 so I will be gone October 24-October 30.  If you have any immediate concerns please call the office while I'm away.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Second Week Information

          Our first full week of school is almost finished! We are still working on learning school, center, outside and many other rules and routines. I have seen so much growth in each student since their first day of preschool.

     Please send your child’s purple folder everyday. They make beautiful artwork that needs a safe way to get home, along with other important papers.  Students should not be bringing toys from home to preschool. They will have an opportunity when we start Star of the Week to share items from home.
    Rest items are sent home Fridays, please wash them and return them on Mondays. If your child has not brought a blanket for rest time and would like to, please send one.

Scholastic Reading Club offers a wide variety of high-quality books to help your child find something that they will feel excited to read. Plus every order that you place earns FREE books and supplies for our classroom!
            Two ways to order! You can fill out and return this order form or order books online:, our Class Activation Code is: P8XLY   
            Please have book orders returned by Thursday September 20, 2018.  Let me know if you have any questions!

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Music Concert/ End of the year news

We finished off our Mo Willems unit with a hotdog party! A class favorite story by Mo Willems is “The Pigeon Finds a Hotdog!” The last day of preschool is Thursday May 24, 2018. It has been a wonderful and fun filled school year.  Each student has grown and learned so much! We have been working hard to finish portfolios.
                    Three year old preschool students are welcome to attend Wednesday May 23 12:15-3:15 if they need transportation to the concert practice at the high school.  If you do not need transportation just meet us there and you are free to go when PK is done rehearsing!   
                    Four year old preschool graduation is May 24, 2018 at the chapel located in the St. Malachy middle school building. Students are welcome to leave with their families when the ceremony is finished. 

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

April 30- May 3

         We are almost finished with our final study. We have explored many of the trees at St. Malachy. Our visit to the Mt. Ayr Nature center was very informing. We got to see a variety of trees, plants and bugs on our nature hike. Both classes had such a blast on this field trip.
         We will spend the last few weeks of preschool learning about one of our favorite authors, Mo Willems and all his loveable characters.

       The Blank Park Zoo field trip is Thursday May 10, 2018 for four year old preschool students. Preschool will be from 8:10-3:10. Students will need a sack lunch and comfortable walking shoes. The bus will be leaving at 8:30, please have your student at school no later than 8:15.

There will be no morning preschool for the three year old class on May 10, 2018, due to the field trip for the afternoon class. 

       May 24, 2018 is the last day of preschool for both classes. There will be a graduation ceremony for the four year old afternoon class.  It will be at St. Malachy at 2 pm. More information will be sent home soon. 

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Weekly Recap April 16-19

The week of the young child was filled with so many activities! Tasty Tuesday was a huge hit, making mini fruit pizzas and chef hats was so much fun! Work together Wednesday building with the 8th graders was a blast. I'm not sure who had more fun, Us or the 8th graders?!  During artsy Thursday students used a variety of materials to create their own unique artwork.

  Mt. Ayr field trip: a sack lunch is needed. Preschool will be all day from 8:10-3:10.  The pick up policy is different for the afternoon, a hard copy has sent home with the newsletter.  
    *If your child is in 4 year old preschool and attending Creston public for kindergarten they need to attend kindergarten round up at the ECC, rather than go on the field trip. Round up is two days. April 26 & 27, if you are unsure if you are attending the morning or afternoon session, call the ECC office and they will let you know your session.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Week of the Young Child

   April 16-19 is the Week of the Young Child, where we celebrate our youngest learners. Please see the attached note for more information.  Students are encouraged to participate on the days that fall during their class time. Four year old preschool and kindergarten will be having snack together. Please check out the sign-up genius if you'd like to donate something for our Tasty Tuesday snack.

                                               Tasty Tuesday Sign Up Genius

   Three year old preschool we will participate in the activities during our class time. We will be making mini fruit pizzas for our snack on Tasty Tuesday.

    Mt. Ayr field trip permission slips were sent home today.  Students attending will need a sack lunch, signed permission slip and an extra pair of clothes. Most students have an extra set in their cubby, I will be double checking these. If will let you know if your child needs anything for their set.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

April 5. 2018

We have started another study from the Creative Curriculum, The Tree study. This will be our last study of the school year. This unit will cover trees, nature, insects and more. Also, we will have a few mini studies; including butterflies and a beach study.  Construction has started on the new building, we can see it from our classroom! It’s pretty neat!

If your child is attending St. Malachy kindergarten, don't forget that tomorrow is Kindergarten round up! 

The last day of preschool will be Thursday May 24, 2018. This was the original date and the snow days did not effect the end date of preschool. 

Upcoming field trips:   Permission slips will be sent home next week. 

April 26, 2018- Mt. Ayr Nature Center 8:30-2:00
  On Thursday April 26, 2018 will be a day of all day preschool from 8:10-3:10. Three and four year old preschool students are encouraged to attend. There is no cost for this field trip. Students will need a sack lunch.  Students must be at school by 8:10, the bus will leave promptly at 8:30.  
  *Your child does not have to attend the field trip however there will be NO school if your child does not attend.

May 10, 2018- Blank Park Zoo- 8:30-2:30

 On Thursday May 10, there will be no three year old preschool. Four year old preschool students have the opportunity to take a field trip to the Blank Park Zoo. Attendance is not required but encouraged. There is no cost for this field trip. Students will need a sack lunch. Students must be at school by 8:10, the bus will leave promptly at 8:30, we have a special activity planned at the zoo at 10 am. 
  *Your child does not have to attend the field trip however there will be NO school if your child does not attend

Easter and Future News

This week has gone by quickly! We have been learning about the meaning of Easter, Jesus and other Easter traditions. The four year old preschool participated in the Cross Walk. We walked through town and made various stops to signify the stations of the cross. Three year old preschool made their own empty tomb biscuits. Four year old preschool and kindergarten also made their own. The empty tomb biscuit classroom snack. The marshmallow represents the pure body of Jesus. As a teaching tool, children can dip a marshmallow in the butter and the cinnamon-sugar mixture to represent the burial oil and spices that were used on Jesus’ body. 

The last day of preschool will be Thursday May 24, 2018. This was the original date and the snow days did not effect the end date of preschool. 

Upcoming field trips:

April 26, 2018- Mt. Ayr Nature Center 8:30-2:00
  On Thursday April 26, 2018 will be a day of all day preschool from 8:10-3:10. Three and four year old preschool students are encouraged to attend. There is no cost for this field trip. Students will need a sack lunch.  Students must be at school by 8:10, the bus will leave promptly at 8:30.  
  *Your child does not have to attend the field trip however there will be NO school if your child does not attend.

May 10, 2018- Blank Park Zoo- 8:30-2:30

 On Thursday May 10, there will be no three year old preschool. Four year old preschool students have the opportunity to take a field trip to the Blank Park Zoo. Attendance is not required but encouraged. There is no cost for this field trip. Students will need a sack lunch. Students must be at school by 8:10, the bus will leave promptly at 8:30, we have a special activity planned at the zoo at 10 am. 
  *Your child does not have to attend the field trip however there will be NO school if your child does not attend

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Conferences and Future Field Trips

Conferences are next Thursday March 15. If you have not yet  signed up for a conference, please do!  We will have two all day field trips;

April 26 (Mt. Ayr Nature Center)- Three and four year old preschool
May 10 (Blank Park Zoo) Four year old preschool only, there will be no three year old preschool. 

These days will be similar to the roller skating field trip day. More information to follow! We’ve been very busy this week! We finally finished our first time through the alphabet! Now calendar helper chooses the letter of the day! Dash, the robot has been in the room. We are able to control it using the iPads! It has a variety of engaging apps to use with it.

Monday, March 5, 2018

Conferences and other news

We had so much fun celebrating Dr. Seuss week! Each student made a variety of Seuss themed crafts and most tried green eggs and ham! Thank you for participating in the theme days! It was fun to see students dressed up!

Conferences will be held on Thursday March 15 from 1-9, if you have a student in three year old or four year old preschool you will need to schedule a conference time. If these times do not work for you, please let me know and we can make arrangements. There will be NO four year old preschool on March 15.

Use this link to sign up for a time slot------>  Spring Conference Sign Up

Friday, February 23, 2018

Dr. Seuss Week!

Due to weather this information was not able to go home in take home folders.

In honor of National Read Across America Week, we will be doing some fun activities based on Dr. Seuss throughout the week. We are excited to celebrate reading with our fabulous kids!
Below is the schedule that shows some of the books of the day that we will be reading, how to dress, and what to bring on each day.  

Fox in Socks
Hurray for Diffendoofer Day
Wear your craziest socks & bring your favorite book to read!
Green Eggs and Ham
Oh, The Thinks You Can Think!
Wear Green!
We will try green eggs and ham.
My Many Colored Days
The Lorax
Wear your favorite color from head to toe!


Dr. Seuss Birthday Celebration
The Cat in the Hat
Oh, The Places You`ll Go!
I Can Read with My Eyes Shut!

Wear wacky/mismatched clothes and/or have crazy hair! 
Wear red and white, stripes, or dress like a cat

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Valentine's Day

We had a great week! Valentine's parties were a hit with both classes! Thank you to everyone for participating! The creative boxes, snack, valentines and kiddos were great! Don't forget to check folders! Star of the week students will continue for a few more weeks.

*Check out our preschool wishlist in the hallway! If you're willing, just grab a post it note and take it with you!

Preschool and Kindergarten information night is Tuesday February 20th, if you are or know someone looking for three year old, four year old preschool or kindergarten check out this event!

Don't forget about the St. Malachy School Gala and Auction on March 3, 2018. This is a super fun event! Information is going home in folders today!

Thursday, February 8, 2018


This week we read a few variations of the story, “The Three Billy Goats Gruff.” Students used wooden blocks to help tell the story. They “clip-clopped” over the bridge! Also we have been able to spend some time playing in the gym! It was nice to get some exercise and stay warm and toasty!

Both classes will be celebrating Valentine’s day next Tuesday Feb 13. Please help your child create a box or bag for their Valentines.  

Three year old preschool- We have quite a few birthdays in February (we will all be four by the end of the month!)

Friday, January 26, 2018

January Information

 Four year old preschool-  Catholic schools week is next week. There are themed days each day.  Monday there will be a parent volunteer starting the day due to the teacher appreciation luncheon. Wednesday there will be a field trip to a local nursing home during our normal class time. Thursday (2/1/18) four year old preschool we be all day. We will be leaving for the field trip at 8:30. Don't forget your sack lunch with a drink! I will be packing each students extra clothes and activities to pass the time during the bus ride. 

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. 

Three year old preschool- Tuesday is tourist Tuesday theme day, dress up if you’d like. Don’t forget that there will be no school for three year old preschool due to the all day field trip on Thursday February 1, 2017.

    We have been investigating different types of balls used in sports. We have talked about the different shapes. We have started adding more of our handwriting curriculum to our day! Today we used wood pieces to build our letter of the day.. A!

St. Malachy Foundation Auction is right around the corner. Preschool, Kindergarten, First grade and Second grade are working together to create a themed basket for the auction. If you would like to donate towards this basket, donations need to be in by Friday February 9, 2018.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Upcoming News

We have started a new Creative Curriculum unit, the ball/sports study. We discussed what we like to play and investigated what is used to play those sports/games.  We brainstormed what we thought balls are used for and made of. We read a story that helped determine if what we thought was true.

Catholic Schools Week is approaching.  We celebrate our Catholic education with a variety of activities and spirit week. Check out the spirit days and do your best to participate :)

There will bee two field trips during this week for four year old preschool. If you have any questions or concerns please let me know.   If you have any questions or concerns please let me know.  There will be separate permission slips for each field trip.

The green field trip permission slip for the Nursing home visit has already been sent home. 

A golden yellow permission slip is being sent home today for the all day skating field trip. If you have already paid for this field trip, please sign and return the form. Students will need a sack lunch with a drink.

PLEASE send payment and permission slips at the same time.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

We’re back!

We’ve had a great (almost) full week back at preschool. We have been busy getting back into our routine and reviewing classroom rules. There is no school Monday due to teacher inservice day. Don’t forget to return library books on Tuesday! See you then!

Don’t forget to check take home folders! Information about Catholic schools week will be going home soon.